Accessibility Training

Empowering Teams, Building Inclusion.

Our Foundational Accessibility Training is designed to meet the needs of businesses, whether small, medium, or large. This training is for everyone. This non-technical training provides your team with a solid understanding of accessibility fundamentals, ensuring they grasp the essential concepts required to create inclusive environments.

Through our Accessibility Essentials and Customer Service Accessibility Professional courses, your team will learn about various disabilities and how to accommodate them effectively. This knowledge is invaluable for improving customer interactions, both in person and online.

These courses are perfect for people who want to learn how to make digital assets accessible without needing technical skills. We will cover the concepts of accessibility without diving into the code. It enables you to know which questions and what to look for.

These courses are ideal for customer team members who want to learn the fundamentals of disability etiquette and how to apply it in their business.

By completing Accessibility Essentials or Customer Service Accessibility Professional, you will earn a certificate from us.

A client looking at AccessibilityFirst Solutions LLC Training on their laptop.
A drawing showing a design of a website for a company.

Our Pro Level course allows IT professionals who have completed our Foundational Level to gain a deeper understanding of accessibility principles in their specific roles. These courses make it easy to include accessibility in daily work. These courses will help your team create the high-quality content you need.

By completing Accessibility Essentials and a course in a discipline, you will earn a certificate from us showing you have taken that course on the Pro Level.

For those ready to lead the charge in accessibility, our Elite Level training offers the expertise needed to tackle complex challenges and create superior user experiences.

By completing Accessibility Essentials and a course in a discipline on the Pro and Elite Level, you will earn a certificate from us showing you have taken that course on the Pro Level.

A blueprint showing very advanced equasions and concepts.

Training Formats

We offer flexible training formats to suit your team training needs, including:

Looking to sign up for one of our online classes?

If you want to see all our courses in one place visit our course catalog.