A journey starts with one step. That is also true with accessibility transformation.

Unlock Remarkable Progress: Powerful Ways To Transform Accessibility

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A couple of years ago, I had the unique opportunity to teach in Paris, an experience that unexpectedly taught me a valuable lesson about accessibility. During this time, I learned the importance of embracing progress over perfection—a mindset that is particularly relevant for anyone working to transform accessibility and create accessible digital experiences. This story, rooted in language learning, parallels the ongoing journey of implementing accessibility: both require courage, continuous effort, and an acceptance that imperfection is part of the process.

Learning Through Language: A Personal Story

While in Paris, I found myself in a conversation with a group of students about the complexities of language. Despite having studied French in school, I was hesitant to speak it, paralyzed by the fear of making mistakes. I wanted to be perfect, and that desire for perfection kept me silent.

As I shared this with the students, one of them responded with something that struck me deeply: “Like I am with English.” Her words caught me off guard. This student spoke English so fluently that it never occurred to me she might struggle with it or fear making mistakes. Her admission was a mirror reflecting my own insecurities.

Inspired by her bravery, I made a decision. From that moment on, I would speak in French as much as possible during my stay in Paris. The first few days were nerve-wracking—I stumbled over words, conjugated verbs incorrectly, and often resorted to English when I got stuck. But I kept going. By the end of my trip, I noticed a significant shift. I was more comfortable, more confident, and most importantly, more willing to try.

A chalkboard with the phrase'Parlez-vous français?' written in white chalk. The question translates to'Do you speak French?' in English, symbolizing the theme of learning and communication

However, when I returned home, I stopped speaking French. As the weeks and months passed, my fear of speaking the language returned, stronger than before. It took me a while to realize why this happened: I had mistakenly thought that once I overcame my initial fear, the battle was won. But I was wrong. The confidence I gained in Paris wasn’t a permanent state; it was something I needed to nurture and practice continuously.

How to Transform Accessibility: Embracing Progress Over Perfection

This experience with language is a powerful metaphor for the journey toward accessibility. Like learning a new language, making your digital products accessible isn’t about achieving perfection right away. It has about making incremental progress, learning from each step, and understanding that the journey is ongoing. It’s a lot like the steps required to transform accessibility in digital spaces. Something Meryl Evans taught me is Progress over Perfection.

Many organizations, when first confronted with the need to make their products accessible, feel overwhelmed. The task can seem monumental, and the fear of “getting it wrong” can be paralyzing. But just like with my experience in Paris, the key is to start where you are and move forward, one step at a time. To truly transform accessibility, a steady approach focusing on progress is essential.

The journey to accessibility is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. It’s not about having everything perfect from the outset, but about consistently improving, learning from your mistakes, and pushing forward. Each small change you make contributes to a larger goal: creating a more inclusive world where everyone, regardless of ability, can access and enjoy digital content. Each step helps to transform accessibility in meaningful ways.

Steps to Transform Accessibility Incrementally

Here are some actionable steps you can take to start embracing progress over perfection in your accessibility efforts:

A collection of colorful arrows pointing upwards, symbolizing growth, progress, and positive change. The diverse colors and directions of the arrows represent the idea of incremental improvements leading to overall transformation.

  1. Start Small: Begin with one aspect of your website or digital product. It could be as simple as adding alt text to images or ensuring that your color contrast meets accessibility standards. These small changes might seem insignificant, but they can make a big difference for users with disabilities.
  2. Prioritize High-Impact Changes: Focus on the modifications that will have the most significant impact on your users. For instance, making sure that your website is navigable by keyboard alone can greatly enhance accessibility for individuals with mobility impairments.
  3. Educate Your Team: Accessibility should be a team effort. Provide your team with the necessary training and resources to understand the importance of accessibility. When everyone on the team is committed to accessibility, you create a culture that values inclusivity and continuous improvement.
  4. Test Regularly: Make accessibility testing a regular part of your development process. Use tools like screen readers, color contrast analyzers, and keyboard-only navigation tests to assess your site’s accessibility. Regular testing helps you identify areas that need improvement and ensures that you’re making tangible progress.
  5. Stay Informed: Accessibility standards and best practices are constantly evolving. Keep up with the latest developments by following accessibility experts, participating in webinars, and reading up on new guidelines. The more informed you are, the better equipped you’ll be to make meaningful changes.
  6. Celebrate Progress: Don’t forget to acknowledge and celebrate the progress you make, no matter how small. This helps to keep your team motivated and reinforces the importance of the work you’re doing. Recognizing small wins can fuel the momentum needed to tackle larger challenges.

Taking the Next Step

If you’re ready to start or continue your accessibility journey, now is the time to take action. Progress is built on consistent, small steps, each one bringing you closer to a more inclusive digital experience. At AccessibilityFirst Solutions, we’re here to help you navigate this journey. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your accessibility practices, we’re ready to assist you in taking those critical next steps to transform accessibility efforts.


The journey to accessibility, like learning a new language, is about consistent effort and incremental progress. It’s not about achieving perfection on the first try but about continually improving and evolving. Every small step you take towards making your digital content accessible brings you closer to creating an inclusive environment where everyone can participate. Remember, progress over perfection is not just a mantra—it’s a sustainable approach to creating a better, more accessible world. Every effort you make helps transform accessibility, starting with small, manageable changes.

“Changeons le monde ensemble.” (Let’s change the world together.)

Michael Harshbarger - AccessibilityFirst Solutions LLC, Founder and Principle Consultant

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